
Chapter 33 ap bio study guide answers
Chapter 33 ap bio study guide answers

Holt McDougal Biology 1 Interactions in Ecosystems Section 2: Community InteractionsĦ continued MAIN IDEA: Symbiosis is a close relationship between species. Draw and label a sketch that represents an example of a predator-prey interaction. Male big horn sheep butt heads violently in competition for mates. Brown bears hunting for fish on a river s edge fight over space. Different species of shrubs and grasses on the forest floor compete for sunlight. A hyena chases off a vulture to feast on an antelope carcass. Two squirrels race up a tree to reach a hidden pile of nuts. Next to each situation described below, write whether it is an example of interspecific competition or intraspecific competition. VOCABULARY competition symbiosis commensalisms predation mutualism parasitism MAIN IDEA: Competition and predation are two important ways in which organisms interact. sketches will vary Holt McDougal Biology Interactions in Ecosystemsĥ Section 2: Community Interactions KEY CONCEPT Organisms interact as individuals and in populations. mutual refers to a relationship, such as a mutual agreement mutualism is a symbiotic relationship in which both organisms benefit 12. symbiosis is an ecological relationship between members of at least two different species that live together in direct contact 11. an endoparasite lives on the inside of its host and an ectoparasite lives on the outside of its host 10. both refer to relationships in which one organism benefits and the other is harmed/eaten parasitism is a symbiotic relationship in which two organisms live in close contact with one another, such a close relationship is not necessary for predation 9. Mutualism: A benefits, B benefits Commensalism: A benefits, B no impact Parasitism: A benefits, B harmed 8. drawings will vary, may include one animal chasing another, one animal eating another, among other acceptable answers 7. What does equivalent mean in math? How does that meaning relate to ecological equivalents? Holt McDougal Biology 2 Interactions in Ecosystems Section 1: Habitat and NicheĤ Interactions in Ecosystems Answer Key SECTION 2. In competitive exclusion, who is competing and who gets excluded? 9. Explain how this word origin relates to the definition of a habitat. The term habitat comes from a Latin word which means to dwell. Explain why ecological equivalents do not share the same niche. What are the three possible outcomes of competitive exclusion? 5. What is competitive exclusion? Holt McDougal Biology 1 Interactions in Ecosystems Section 1: Habitat and Nicheģ continued 4. Habitat Niche MAIN IDEA: Resource availability gives structure to a community. food trees zebra grass hunting behavior watering hole sand savanna other lions wildebeest temperature Determine which ecological factors are a part of a lion s niche and which are a part of a lion s habitat by placing the above items in the correct column. What is the difference between an organism s habitat and its ecological niche? 2. VOCABULARY habitat ecological niche competitive exclusion ecological equivalent MAIN IDEA: A habitat differs from a niche. in math an equivalent refers to two sets that have identical or corresponding parts in a similar way, ecological equivalents are two species that occupy identical niches but occur in different regions Holt McDougal Biology Interactions in EcosystemsĢ Section 1: Habitat and Niche KEY CONCEPT Every organism has a habitat and a niche. two species that use the same resources in the same way compete together the species that is less suited (less welladapted) will be pushed out of (excluded from) the niche or become extinct 9. a habitat is an area or environment where an organism or ecological community normally dwells, or lives 8. ecological equivalents live in two different geographic locations and therefore do not compete for the same resources 7. species that occupy similar niches but live in different geographical regions 6. one competitor is pushed out of a niche by another competitor, niche partitioning (resources are divided among competitors), evolutionary response (divergent evolution occurs) 5. a principle that states that when two species are competing for the same resources, one species will be better suited to the niche and the other species will either be pushed into another niche or become extinct 4.

#Chapter 33 ap bio study guide answers plus#

habitat: food, other lions, trees, watering hole, wildebeest, zebra, sand, temperature, grass, savanna niche: all of the above plus hunting behavior 3. a habitat is all of the biotic and abiotic factors in the area where an organism lives, while a niche includes all physical, chemical, and biological factors that a species needs to survive, stay healthy, and reproduce 2. 1 Interactions in Ecosystems Answer Key SECTION 1.

Chapter 33 ap bio study guide answers